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In the workplace, the issues associated with substance abuse pose significant threats to safety and productivity. Misuse of substances can increase the risk of accidents and injuries, decrease productivity, raise insurance costs, and ultimately reduce profits. If you are an employer, HR professional, or Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) expert, you may feel uncertain about the steps to take upon discovering that an employee is misusing alcohol, drugs, or prescription medications. As a union representative, you may seek assurance that a union member has not been unjustly disciplined or terminated. Additionally, as a lawyer, you may need more detailed information on the matter.

We provide consultant services in the following areas:

Policy Development and Implementation
    • Companies are assisted in identifying their specific needs and developing a reasonable and responsible policy and implementation plan to meet those needs. The process can include:
      undertaking a comprehensive evaluation/audit of current policies and advising on modifications or upgrades; and/or facilitating the work of an internal project team and providing them with the background information, tools and advice needed to understand the issues and design a new policy;
    • Guidance in assessing program needs, drafting a policy to meet those needs, and working closely with the company to refine and finalize it;
    • Guiding a collaborative process that allows for the participation of representatives from various parts of the organization (broader policy consultation); and advising on and guiding employee surveys if required/desired.
    • Advice and assistance is provided in the detailed design of various policy components, including programs of peer prevention/referral, the set up of testing programs if required, and the design and delivery of supervisor training and awareness and education programs;
    • Clarification of program needs in the areas of employee assistance or counselling services, alcohol and drug testing, and substance abuse professional services among others, and contracting the most appropriate service providers;
    • The development of communication strategies needed during the policy development process, supporting policy announcement, and as appropriate on an on-going basis;
    • The establishment of processes for ongoing, or ‘point in time’ evaluation of policy effectiveness.
Regulatory Compliance
    • We provide briefings to management teams, unions, industry associations, and support organizations to help them understand the critical issues related to the Return-to-Duty process and workplace substance abuse in Canada.

    • We assist companies with the direct implications for Canadian and cross-border operations; and provide assistance in the design and implementation of programs that will meet these requirements within the Canadian context.

Legal Issues
    • We provide expert witness services on workplace alcohol and drug policies, and issues. We assist legal counsel with issues related to alcohol and drug policies in case preparation, including arbitration and human rights tribunals.